Pete Shepheard
Pete Shepheard is an acknowledged authority on folk song. Pete’s new book on the great Aberdeenshire bothy ballad singer Jock Duncan – The Man and his Songs has just been published. Pete’s contacts with Stewarts of Blairgowrie and Jeannie Robertson’s family in Aberdeen led to his exploration of traveller tradition and extensive song collecting. He is a singer and melodeon player with a song repertoire that includes many songs from his own collecting. He has recorded two albums as part of a trio (Shepheard, Spiers and Watson) with Tom Spiers and Arthur Watson. He has presented lectures and workshops based on his song and music collecting, on ballad repertoire, traditional singing style, song repertoire among the Romany gypsies of Gloucestershire and among the Scottish travelling and farming communities in Fife, Tayside and Aberdeenshire.