Banter are Nina Zella, Simon Care, Tim Walker and Mark Jolley. Four fine musicians whose roots are firmly in the traditional English genre, but who enjoy stretching the limits – in what a lot of people refer to as ‘the quirky Banter twist”. Formed in 2015, due to a happy accident, they immediately realised their common love for traditional English song and dance and began to mess around with it.
They gained popularity, or should it be notoriety, very quickly and were soon performing at many of the country’s largest festivals, including Glastonbury, Cambridge, Sidmouth and Towersey.
With the release of three albums, Yes, Dare and Three, between 2017 and 2021, they received more plaudits in the music press including a Valentines day session on Mark Radcliffe’s Radio 2 Folk Show.
Now firmly established as one of the UK’s finest bands they have recorded their fourth studio album “Heroes”. Their second album of traditional material ….. but with that “twist”